Saints Terence and Neonila were husband and wife. The couple had seven children: Sabelus, Photius, Theodoulos, Vele, Hierax, Nitus, and Eunice. They suffered together for their faith in Christ. The time, place and circumstances of their martyrdom are unknown. The life mentions the many torments the saints endured and that they were all eventually beheaded.
In the early days of Christian history, systematic persecution of Christians was relatively uncommon. However, Christians regularly faced outbreaks of hatred from pagan crowds, especially if idolaters remembered Christians and encountered them after their celebrations, in which believers in the One God did not participate. For this, Christians were accused of neglecting Roman ideals and were considered enemies of the fatherland.
The testimony of life about the multitude and variety of torments endured by Terence and Neonila suggests that they and their children became victims of such a spontaneous attack by a possessed crowd. The words that in the end they were all beheaded with a sword indicate that the authorities eventually intervened in the matter.
Since the pagans hated Christians for inviting children to participate in the sacraments, they erected all kinds of slander, and, for the sake of evil revenge, made children participants in common suffering. This participation in the ocean of adult tears is the essence of the New Testament infant martyrdom (cf. Matt. 2:16). Saints Neonila, Terence, and seven children are an ancient, unceasing example of family and child righteousness.