In the person of Saints Capitolina and Eroteis, the Church honors the memory of two holy women who suffered for Christ during the persecution of Diocletian (284-305), or during the time of Emperor Licinius (308-324), who, despite allied and even family ties with Constantine the Great, continued persecute Christians in that part of the Roman Empire that was under his rule.

Being of noble birth and possessing wealth, Capitolina dedicated it to works of mercy and granted freedom to the slaves she inherited. Such an act could not go unnoticed. Arrested on charges of professing Christianity, Capitolina refused to make a pagan sacrifice and was beheaded by court verdict.

Her maid, named Eroteis, witnessed this incident and accused the authorities of lawlessness. For this she was immediately slandered. According to the life, supposed witnesses accused her of throwing a stone at the local ruler. Those who took her into custody saw her as just a former servant, whose mistress, Capitolina, had already been tried or even executed by that time. Like the latter, she also professed Christianity, but was deprived of the immunity of nobility of origin.

Therefore, representatives of pagan justice subjected Eroteis to the most severe tortures, after which they beheaded her with a sword. Obviously, such reprisal against a woman who was faithful not only to her Christian beliefs, but also in solidarity with her former mistress in suffering, was intended to cause anger, and, at the same time, satisfaction of the pagan crowd.

It is obvious that such reprisal against a woman who was faithful not only to her Christian beliefs, but also in solidarity in suffering with her former mistress, was intended to cause anger, and, at the same time, satisfaction of the financially deprived pagan crowd.

The memory of the holy women Capitolina and Eroteis was especially revered in Constantinople, where a church was erected in their memory. Like St George, Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus, and many others, Capitolina and Eroteis belong to the great communion of ancient Christian Cappadocian saints.